Friday, May 14, 2010

A New Blog. Why? Why not.

I decided to throw my proverbial hat into the blogosphere ring for several reasons: Some of my friends have one and if nothing else I’m something of a follower. I very much enjoy writing and have recently discovered that I also very much enjoy reading things that I’ve written. Since I am vain, I figured I needed a vanity project to really shine. Unfortunately, I couldn’t think of anything thematically around which I could base my blog. At this point, to simply post updates and pictures about me and my personal life in blog form would be a rip-off of some of my aforementioned friends and it would also render my Facebook obsolete. This would be tragic. Facebook defines me and I wouldn’t want to upset it in any way. I needed a hook. I needed inspiration.

I found inspiration during one of my many trips to The Copper Hog (the coolest place in Bellingham). The friendly barkeep, Ian (not to be confused with the hot barkeep Megan) expressed his condolences for the Washington Capitals’ disappointing loss to the suddenly unstoppable Montreal Canadiens. By disappointing, I mean heartbreaking, tragic and horrifying. Some dude who must also think that the Copper Hog is the coolest place in town overheard the end of the conversation and asked who my team was. I explained that I was a huge Caps’ fan. As often happens with “guy talk” I ended up explaining that I am used to such disappointment since my other favorite teams are the Cincinnati Bengals, the New York Mets and the Washington Wizards. Ouch, ouch aaaaaaand ouch. For continued amusement, I threw in the fact that I’m a Washington State University alumnus. For those who are unfamiliar, good ol’ Wazzu’s most storied athletic achievements were led by Ryan Leaf. This is not a good thing. The empathetic laughter that I received as a result of my disastrous selection of favorite sports teams led me to theme around which I could build a blog. I like to think that the misfortunes of my favorite teams in the four major sports could stack up with just about anyone else’s combination in terms of futility and frustration. Living in Western Washington now, many Seattleites are quick to challenge me in sports misery. I’m sure the good people of Cleveland would as well. This is not a mission to find out what combination of teams would be the worst possible group to root for. The bottom line ultimately is this: My teams stink.

Of the many aspects of my life, the fact that my teams stink is hardly the most important. That said, it is the topic about which I am most irrationally passionate and probably the thing that I think and talk (bitch) about the most. As such, I think it’s the topic that is most likely to get me writing something down more than once every few months. That, my friends, is ultimately the point of this adventure (with a secondary mission of weaning myself off of the parenthetical. I am not off to a good start in this regard. Dang!)

Being that it is baseball season, there will probably be many gripes about the New York Mets to follow, especially when Oliver Perez starts. Before long, the Cougs and Bengals will be firing up their camps and the Caps and Wiz will craft their plans on how to best go about making me angry and/or sad. I might also sprinkle in some pop culture, some personal info, and some current events. I don’t have a plan. For the most part, though, this bad boy will be about my life as a sports fan and the many ways in which my favorite teams let me down.

Until then, Let’s go Mets, Rock the Red, Who Dey, Nobody Beats the Wiz and as always, Go Cougs.

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